Registration Kulturhjerte

Participation in Kulturhjerte is free and registration is open! The deadline for submitting the application form next year is 1. August 2024. We will respond to your participation shortly after the deadline. Start-up is in week 42. Information about day of the week and time will be informed about when you have been allocated a seat.

Kulturhjerte receives applications from many more children than we can accommodate, so unfortunately we can’t say yes to everyone.

Kulturhjerte will provide space for both those who are new to the city and those who have lived here for a long time. We want someone new every year, but at the same time, it’s important that someone who’s been with us before stays with us. We also want variation in age and gender, so it’s not a regular registration list, but a goal of the most varied group possible that determines who gets a place each year.

The age limit for participation is 10 years.

Photo: Torbjørn Olsen

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Epost til foreldre/foresatte dersom du er under 18 år
Telefonnummer til foreldre/foresatte dersom du er under 18 år
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