Kulturhjerte – a meeting place and development arena for young and adult Smålanders from all over the world!

Watch the official JOMBA music video with Kulturhjerte here!

The Kulturhjerte Method

Kulturhjerte is a place where everyone should feel that they belong and that they are heard. A place where children and young people can share their stories, their talent, their language and their culture. A place where adults can come and speak Norwegian, get to know others, and a place where they can come and see the children perform and be proud of their culture.

Kulturhjerte makes music video

Kulturhjerte makes music video

GD was behind the scenes when we made the music video before Christmas. GD/Kari Utgaard: It all started in 2016. Five committed adults...

Children and young people with passion

Children and young people from many different countries gathered around one project. The performances we create together are the sum of all the cultural expressions, ideas and skills that the participants in Kulturhjerte convey. We will show Lillehammer who we are!

Instructors with cutting-edge expertise

Director, choreographer, composer, scriptwriter, costume designer, sound and lighting designer: The professional framework helps make the performances an experience everyone should be proud of. Participants, parents, audience and all lillehamringer.

Parents with beating cultural hearts

Parents make up the production groups that voluntarily build sets, sew costumes, serve food and drink, and host the festive performances – which in itself constitutes a social arena.

A big thank you for your fantastic efforts – without them, Kulturhjerte would not have been possible!

Do you want to participate?

Do you want to join Kulturhjerte? Starts in October every year and participation is free!

Application deadline is 1. August and you will receive an answer to your participation by 1. September.